
Nixos configuration in a matter of theming is very useful. There are several tools to define color-theme globally and re-use defined color variables to configure any program you want, for example, nix-colors or stylix.

When you change a theme and switch configuration nix normally it will rebuild programm configuration file and re-start such program if it doesn’t support live configuration reloading. Such a behavior can be utilized for theme-switching without the help of any other tool or custom scripts.

In my case, I’ll use Stylix, because it provides pre-build color configurations based on base64-scheme for a lot of programs out of the box.

The final stack is:

Nix configuration

Home-manager specialisation

Home-manager provides a specialisation feature that allows us to specify extra configuration subset based on the main one. It will generate a separate generation, that we will be able to activate manually in the future. Configuration options in specialisation and base configuration will collide, so we have to use lib.mkDefault in base configuration or lib.mkForce in specialisation.

Bellow the example of stylix configuration for light specialisation.

{ pkgs, lib, inputs, ... }: {

  stylix = {
    targets.gtk.enable = false;
    targets.firefox.enable = false;
    targets.swaylock.enable = false;
    targets.rofi.enable = false;
    targets.waybar.enable = false;
    targets.vscode.enable = false;
    targets.hyprland.enable = false;

    base16Scheme = lib.mkDefault "${inputs.base16-schemes}/catppuccin-macchiato.yaml";
    polarity = lib.mkDefault "dark";
    cursor = {
      package = pkgs.master.phinger-cursors;
      name = lib.mkDefault "phinger-cursors-light";

  specialisation.light.configuration.stylix = {
    base16Scheme = "${inputs.base16-schemes}/catppuccin-latte.yaml";
    polarity = "light";
    cursor.name = "phinger-cursors";

In the same way, specialisation with the same light name could be specified in any other configuration file.

Switching script

To toggle the color scheme I’ll use a shell-script, that will be different for base system and specialisation.

For the base system it will get the path of the latest generation and call /specialisation/light/activate script. Note, that lib.lowPrio used to resolve collision with the spcialisation script version.

home.packages = [
  (lib.lowPrio (pkgs.writeShellApplication {
    name = "toggle-theme";
    runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ home-manager coreutils ripgrep fish ];
    text =
        "$(home-manager generations | head -1 | rg -o '/[^ ]*')"/specialisation/light/activate
        fish --command 'set -U _reload_theme (date +%s)'

For the specialisation it will get the path of the 2nd latest generation, because in the moment of call the latest generation will be related to light system version. And call /activate script.

specialisation.light.configuration = {
  home.packages = [
    (pkgs.writeShellApplication {
      name = "toggle-theme";
      runtimeInputs = with pkgs; [ home-manager coreutils ripgrep fish ];
      text =
          "$(home-manager generations | head -2 | tail -1 | rg -o '/[^ ]*')"/activate
          fish --command 'set -U _reload_theme (date +%s)'

Fish shell reload

Fish shell redefines all the colors and ignores terminal ones, so when we switch themes we must re-login into each shell, which is not handy at all and is not possible to be resolved with pure nix. As a solution, we can use a function that will reload the theme and be triggered by setting universal variable.

To avoid reoading of whole configuration, which may lead to unexpected behaviour, this scripp will find 2 lines responsible for theme loading and switching and source them.

programs.fish = {
  enable = true;
  interactiveShellInit = ''
    function reload-theme --on-variable _reload_theme
      # Apply theme on theme toggle trigger
      ${pkgs.ripgrep}/bin/rg '^\s*source /nix/store/.+base16-.+-.+fish$' ~/.config/fish/config.fish -A 1 -N --trim | source

In switching script you may notice fish --command 'set -U _reload_theme (date +%s)' this line triggers fish’s reload-theme function.

Mustache for custom themes

For configuration it is very handy to use template engide, mustache becomes very useful, because it supported by Stylix out of the box. For example rofi configuration can be looked like this.

programs.rofi = {
  enable = true;
  font = "${config.stylix.fonts.serif.name} 20";
  theme = (config.lib.stylix.colors {
    template = builtins.readFile ./rounded.rasi.mustache;
    extension = "rasi";

And the corresponding theme file like this.

* {
    bg0:    #{{base00}}F0;
    bg1:    #{{base01}};
    bg2:    #{{base02}}80;
    bg3:    #{{base03}}F2;
    fg0:    #{{base04}};
    fg1:    #{{base05}};
    fg2:    #{{base06}};
    fg3:    #{{base07}};
    fg4:    #{{base00}};

